Boys C Football

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2019 Fundraiser information

Updated on 06/10/2022

Eaton football fans and supporters,

As you may know, our 3rd annual fundraiser will be on August 17 and, once again, will include a sporting clays shooting competition, barbecue dinner, auction, rubber duck race, and more.  The day will being with the shooting competition at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn, followed by the BBQ and auction in the evening. The shoot will be teams of four and includes 15 stands of sporting clays totally 100 shots. The dinner is included with the entry to the shoot, but those not in the competition are welcome to attend the dinner for $10 a plate.  Football players are expected to get either TWO shooters or ONE auction/raffle item for the BBQ. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help coordinate/prepare/serve the dinner. If you are interested, please contact Coach Lemon.  

Below is the information for the day and attached is the registration form for the shoot.  

We have had great success in the first couple years of this event and we hope to make this year the best one yet.  Please contact Coach Lemon with any questions:



11:30am Check-in at Great Guns Sporting in Nunn.

$125 per gun gets 15 stations of sporting clays totaling 100 rounds.

Shooters are responsible for their own shells.
Sign up as an individual or in teams of 4

Rubber Duck Race and auction
33425 County Rd. 33
Eaton, CO

5:30pm BBQ Dinner (Dinner is included in the shooting registration fee, $10 if you didn’t register to shoot)

Shoot registration form